RECIPE: Meat-Free Hot Salad

You can use anything that you can find in your fridge to make this quick salad! A warm and hearty meal for those days when you think some rain clouds are heading your way :)


I have used all my children's favourite food: potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms. You can use ANY veggies that you can find. I have also started growing fresh herbs on my windowsill to make life easier. I don't have to shop for fresh ones, I dont have the time! I grow and pick.

Pre-heat your oven at around 180 degrees. Chop up everything (or don’t) and place it into an oven dish, drizzle with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and in my case also some beef spice. Place it in the oven and literally forget about it, while you are finishing emails on your laptop or packing school bags for the next day.

After 35-40 minutes take your hot salad out of the oven, add more spice for taste and chop up some fresh herbs into your mix. This can either be a meal or side dish to any protein, or vegan sausage if you want to go meat-free.

Lekker eet.

