Stop Saying: "This Year Was Tough"

2019. Gosh. It was very hard. This year. A close friend wrote me a Christmas card and quoted me saying "I know this year was hard for you..."

I stopped. Stopped and thought, I had some major lekker super duper highlights this year. I should stop saying "This year was tough!" because it was blessed, awesome, different and life-changing too.

Here is the challenge, we are going to have to do some "homework" and list the moments in our own lives that "became president" and the moments that was worth "putting a sash around" like Miss Universe!

A moment that was worth a trophy, like our Rugby World Cup. Personal highlights don't have to impress people, it can be small things that you achieved or a little big miracle that you hoped and prayed for.

My Happy Holidays card to you says...

I know this year was sometimes tough, but well done on all the highlights and lows. May 2020 be the best year ever! Thank the past. Thank the mistakes. Thank the mishaps and pray for your enemies. You are winning. This year was just right for you and me.




Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp