How Do I Raise a Child That Is Resilient?

What does the word "resilience" mean to us as parents? How do we go about raising a child that is resilient?

This week We have the honour of hosting Naomi Holdt, educational psychologist, speaker, and author, from KZN, to help us better understand the concept of 'raising a resilient child.' Perhaps, the answer might be simpler than we realise!

Have a listen to our latest Podcast for a truly interesting take on this topic.

Naomi's book, "Bounce: How to raise resilient kids and teens" is available now.

Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.


Naomi is a psychologist, author and speaker with over 20 years experience in education, educational psychology and psychotherapy with a special interest in the emotional well - being of children and young adults. With an initial teaching background she has insightful knowledge on the role of both parents and teachers in supporting, nurturing and helping young people reach their potential.

Naomi qualified cum laude with an MA in Educational Psychology from University of KwaZulu-Natal and is in private practice in Hilton, South Africa. She has spoken countrywide and her online parenting courses have now reached an international following. Naomi is a mother of two young children and regards this as a privilege and her most important role.