Bullying: How do I help my child?

I am building a world of kindness for my children, but how do I deal with bullies?

It's a controversial topic, but in this Podcast, Dr Judy Jaye gives us helpful guidance on recognising, managing, and solving the bully-problem in our schools and among our children.

Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.

About Dr Judy Jaye

Dr Judy Jaye started her career in education – teaching English and Afrikaans at Highlands North Boys High School, followed by Edenvale High School where she was Head of Department Languages.

She is married to Melvyn and is blessed with three children and nine grandchildren.

After the birth of her three children she returned to teaching as Head of Department Guidance and the Guidance Counsellor at Northview High School.

Five years later she took up the position as principal of Kelly - Greenoaks Secretarial and Business College in Market Street, Johannesburg Centre. When Kelly-Greenoaks closed in 1994 she went to Crawford College, Benmore as the School Counsellor where she remained until 2003.

In 2002 Judy was awarded her PhD in Stress Management from Wits University.

She then left the school system to go into corporate training. She offered workshops, individual training and talks to all levels of management including chairmen and chief executive officers. Her training covered topics such as stress management, conflict management, assertiveness, goal setting, positive thinking and all aspects of self-management as well as personal and professional leadership.

She has trained at numerous blue-chip companies such as Discovery, Sasol, MTN, Regent Insurance Company, Alexander Forbes, Standard Bank, FNB, Absa, Nedbank and Investec. Today she continues with this training and is also involved in teacher development, offering presentations to the Wits College of Education to all levels of educationalists.

One of her greatest achievements of her career was representing the country at the World Federation Forum in Washington DC in 2009 where she presented a paper on Conflict Management. She was awarded one of the top five awards of the conference, namely a trophy for the most distinguished intellectual contribution from the continent of Africa.

In September 2018 Judy was a finalist in the prestigious ABSA Achiever Awards in the category “Professional Excellence.” Out of the 12 finalists she was the only woman to have achieved this recognition for her most valuable contribution to the development of education in South Africa.

“Dr Judy” as she is known in by the media has appeared in print in many magazines over the years. She has spoken on radio stations such as 702, SAFM, Radio 2000, Metro SF, Jacaranda, Veritas and Pan Hellenic. She has also appeared on television programmes discussing stress management, positive thinking, effective self-management and a variety of topics relating to schools and education.

At present Dr Judy does private counselling on trauma, stress management, personal relationships, self-management and educational matters.