If Baby Eats Better, Will Baby Sleep Better?

Is baby’s bedtime routine causing you sleepless nights? Or could it just be a matter of making a few changes to how you go about mealtime?

Well, how does food affect your baby’s sleep anyway? Does it affect it at all?

And does that mean that the right nutrition can help baby sleep better?

If we’ve learnt anything through the years, it’s that ‘normal’ is different for every mom and family!

So to establish how much we can use nutrition to help our little ones sleep, we brought in paediatrician duo Dr Yajna Kooblal and Dr Prishani Ramsunder – let’s demystify the role that nutrition plays with your baby’s sleep once and for all. 

Prepare for some big reveals and watch the interview below!

Keep up with Dr Prishani Ramsunder on:

Facebook – Dr Prishani Ramsunder

Instagram– @capetownpaeds

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